Reader Review: Wrestlemana 2
Wrestlemania 2:"What The World Has Come To"
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Card=Paul Orndorff & Don Muraco fought to a double countout in a match
that was actually quite good until the pathetic, throwaway ending. 4/10-A
potential show stealer ruined! What a terrible way to start the show! Jake
Roberts beat George Wells in a poor match 2/10. The Funks beat JYD & Tito
Santana in a terrible tag team match 1.5/10. Ricky
Steamboat beat Hercules in an average match, unsurprisingly carried by
Steamboat 4/10. Adrian Adonis beat Uncle Elmer in one of the worst matches
i've ever endured. 0.5/10(Adonis at least tried to get the crowd into this
one by bumping around the ring abit but Elmer was simply uncarryable!).
Andre The Giant won an entertaining battle royal that featured WWF stars
The Hart Foundation and Big John Studd as well as NFL stars including
William Perry and Bill Fralic 6/10. (Flag Match)Corporal Kirschner beat
Nikolai Volkoff in a match that redefines the term atrocious! 1/10 (I-C
Title)Randy Savage beat George Steele in a poor bout, that even the great
Macho Man couldn't save 3/10. (Boxing Match)Mr T beat Roddy Piper by
DQ in a horrible gimmick match. 1/10 (Womens Title)Moolah beat Velvet
Mcentyre in a dire, waste of a match, where the talented Velvet should have
won and saved the title! 0/10 (WWF Tag Titles)British Bulldogs beat Dream
Team in an excellent match and for the second year running the tag title
match has
stolen the show at Wrestlemania. 9/10-Even Beefcake looked decent here(or
that could just be the Bulldog's selling LOL). (WWF Title/Cage Match)Hulk
Hogan beat king Kong Bundy in a surprisingly decent cage match. Fair
enough, it's proberbly one of the least memorable Wrestlemania
main events but it's a pretty solid affair and had this match been a
regular singles match, i'm sure it would have been one of the worst
Wrestlemania main events of alltime. 6/10
Overall=Oh dear, this is a very strong contender for worst Wrestlemania of
alltime with so many terrible matches. Still, i think that, as bad as this
PPV is on a whole, it does warrant a watch for the must see Bulldogs/Dream
Team match. As for the concept of hosting the show from three different
cities, i thought it was a rather novel idea and i think it would work much
better today than it did back in 1986. Just imagine a Wrestlemania, held
from three different cities, one city would host the Raw matches, one city
would host the Smackdown matches and the third city would host the
inter-promotional matches. Anyway overall this was a piss-poor show, apart
from the decent main event, the fun battle royal and the classic tag team
title match. Vince also made a big mistake by hiring celebrities including
Elvira, Cathy Lee Crosby and Susan ST James to do commentary! 2/10. Best
Match=Bulldogs/Dream Team. Worst Match=A tie
between Elmer/Adonis & Moolah/Velvet
My WM-2 Card=[WWF Title]Hulk Hogan vs Roddy Piper(They should
have kept the Piper/Hogan feud going and not built a Piper/Mr T boxing
program! Mr T was fine as Hulk's tag partner last year as he had crowd
reactions, not to mention other wrestlers to carry him through but to stick
him in a boxing match with the company's top heel at the time was damaging
to all involved). [I-C Title]Randy Savage vs Tito Santana(i'd have saved
the match where Savage beat Tito for Wrestlemania). [WWF Tag Titles]Dream
Team vs British Bulldogs(match was fine as it was). NFL/WWF Battle
Royal(match was fine as it was). Paul Orndorff vs Don Muraco(i'd have just
given them alot longer and a better finish!). Ricky Steamboat vs Jake
Roberts(these two were feuding and should have faced off here!). Hart
Foundation vs Killer Bee's(i'd have taken both teams out of the battle royal
and put them against each other cause these two teams actualy had several
bouts together in the 80's-check out the Bret Hart DVD for an excellent
Harts/Bee's match).
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